LGBTQI Services

LGBTQI Services

All clinicians at Avoiding the Couch have special training and experience working with LGBTQIA+ clients, including those at various stages of coming out and gender transition.

 We have a separate section for this population because we believe in the importance to support the LGBTQIA+. We understand the issues of the oppressions faced by this community and believe in supporting their journeys as individuals and within relationships, regardless of sexual or gender identity, or relationship structure.


 Working together with your clinician at Avoiding the Couch, we might work on:

  • Exploring your sexuality identity, including (but not limited to): lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, demisexual, demiromantic, asexual, pansexual, or aromantic.

  • Exploring your gender, including (but not limited to): transgender, two-spirit (for Native American clients), gender non-conforming, non-binary, gender fluid, or agender.

  •  Coming out to family, friends, schools, work, or partners as LGBTQIA+

  • Exploring societal, institutionalized, and internalized oppressions associated with being LGBTQIA+

  • Exploring if desired faith-based beliefs and spiritual trauma

  • Providing Parental support well coming out to friends and family as their role in allyship

​When working with transgender adults, Avoiding the Couch clinicians use an Informed Consent model and work with you at a pace that makes sense for you. We are familiar with various standards of care including WPATH and ICATH. For more information on an Informed Consent model see the ICATH website.


 Therapists at Avoiding the Couch have special training and experience working with LGBTQIA youth, including those at various stages of coming out and gender exploration.

 We have a separate section for this population because we believe it is important for you and your child to understand that you will not have to teach us about LGBTQIA issues, or the oppressions faced by this community. We work with kids, teens, and families with any sexual or gender identity, or family relationship structure.

Working together, we can support your child with:

  • Exploring their gender or sexual orientation

  • Coming out at school

  • Coming out to friends and family

  • Experiences of violence, bullying or ostracization due to their gender or sexuality

  • When a parent comes out as LGBTQ

  • When parents open a relationship, are poly or practice ethical non-monogamy.

  • Exploring if desired faith-based beliefs and spiritual trauma

  • Providing Parental support and coming out to friends and family as there role in allyship

 When working with transgender individuals under the age of 18, Avoiding the Couch therapist use an Informed Consent model and work with parents and guardians at a pace that makes sense for you and your child. Therapists are familiar with various standards of care including WPATH and ICATH website.

 LGBTQIA+ Informed Consent:

 When a person gives “Informed Consent,” it means that the individual possesses the cognitive ability to make an informed and independent decision about their health care and are choosing to do so without coercion.

If you are told you must get a letter from a therapist to state, you are mentally competent and are “eligible” for your desired medical treatment YOU ARE NOT USING INFORMED CONSENT.  

 Informed consent is the process that happens between you and your medical provider: the medical provider describes the intended effects and side effects of the treatment; after you have been informed of the effects and potential side effects, you may choose to give consent to receive the treatment.

 Currently, those under the age of 18 need parental consent.